
Your Problem-Solving Skills Are Not Enough as a Leader

Most likely, you were promoted to your leadership position because of your problem-solving skills. You’re rocking it when it comes to analyzing a problem and overcoming obstacles to get the job done. But those skills are not enough to really get your organization to the next level.

You need skills that will help you foster a culture that deepens your organizational mission and increases the capacity of your team.

Fostering Culture Example…

When my kids were little and toys needed to be picked up, I had mastered the art of picking up toys. In fact, I could pick up toys and clean up a room in no time flat. I was good at it and could get results every time!

But there came a point that I needed to be able to transfer this culture of picking up after yourself to my kids. As with most kids, they didn’t see the point of it and they definitely were not very good at it.

It was my job as their mother (aka leader) to develop in them a culture that valued cleanliness and to continue to increase their capacity over time. To do so that meant I had to slow down. I slowed my pace down to meet them where they were and work with them to get the results we were aiming for, a clean room.

It’s the same with your team…

  • Slow your pace down to where they are.
  • Work with them to get the results needed.

By doing this, your team will increase their capacity and over time, you’ll see your team’s culture evolve to foster your organization’s mission.

Answer these questions…

  1. What are you doing to foster a culture that will deepen your organizational mission?
  2. What are you doing that consistently increases your team’s capacity?

You may think you’re getting good results, but how are you measuring? You may not know if you’re actually increasing your team’s capacity.

If you’re unsure, I’d love to help you create a strategy that helps your unique organization. Contact me to find out how.

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