Showing: 1 - 10 of 32 Articles

10 Reasons Why Transformational Movements Fail

Despite the numerous organizations and individuals tirelessly working for the betterment of the world, why aren’t we witnessing a more substantial impact? Often, responses to this question are clouded by disappointment, leading to a sense of disillusionment. However, history has shown us that significant transformation is possible. From William Wilberforce’s movement in the late 1700s …

Lifting the Leadership Lid: Unleashing Your Full Potential

Leadership is a constant journey of growth and development, but even the most successful leaders eventually hit a plateau known as the “leadership lid.” This barrier can impede progress and prevent leaders from reaching their full potential. Let’s explore the nature of the leadership lid, its impact on personal and professional growth, and strategies to …

What is a Transformational Leader?

Everyone can be a leader because we all have some amount of influence, but it takes a catalyst for change to be a transformational leader. You might be familiar with John Maxwell’s definition of leadership. He says that leadership is influence. It’s our ability to get things done through people. The great news is that …

Building Stronger Communities Through Values-Based Leadership

Values-based leadership is vital to building stronger communities. It provides a foundation for good leadership, ensuring that actions are meaningful and credible. In an interview for TransformationalLeadership.TV, John Griffin, the director of Global Programs for the Maxwell Leadership Foundation, shared his insights on the importance of values-based leadership, the challenges facing organizations and communities today, …


Every Leader Needs Encouragement Through Challenging Times

Let’s face it, being a leader is hard. My mentor, John Maxwell, reminds me often that there are not two consecutive good days in a leader’s life. Today might be good, but tomorrow might be exceptionally challenging. Of course, as a leader, you know there will be good and bad days. However, lately, it may …

New Beginnings

Overcoming the Overwhelm of New Beginnings

Starting a new season of life, whether personal or professional can be exciting. At the same time, however, the amount of change that comes with new beginnings can be equally overwhelming. Lately, I’ve been navigating two major new beginnings, one personal and the other professional. Becoming an empty nester as my youngest son moves away …

Are You in Survival Mode?

How to Break out of Survival Mode in Your Leadership Role

Uncertainty and change have dominated the headlines for the last 18 months which can lead many leaders to resort to survival mode. Yes, uncertainty and change always happen in our world, but when navigating through all the turbulence as a leader becomes exhausting. Not knowing what the future holds for you and your organization is …

Changing Leadership Weariness Into Renewed Energy

Changing Leadership Weariness Into Renewed Energy

Last year tested our limits on how we can handle change. We’re still testing those limits making a new epidemic: leadership weariness. As we shift into a new post-pandemic season, we’ve discovered, we aren’t going back to a state of normalcy, but preparing for more changes. This disrupts your energy and output. And it’s no …

Why Leadership Must Step in for Organizational Growth

Today’s culture of “everyone is the same,” isn’t the best way to lead. It’s definitely how managers manage, though. Managers focus on fairness, sameness, treating everyone the exact same, expecting everyone to produce the exact same output. Managers focus on planning, organizing, administering, controlling, and enforcing. Those activities are vital in maintaining the operations of …