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Image-Using Team Assessment Data Properly to Achieve Successful Growth

Using Team Assessment Data Properly to Achieve Successful Growth

As a leader, you’re under extreme pressure to achieve results. Your organization’s mission is greater than you and you’re driven to help make the community you serve better. Using team assessment data properly helps you achieve successful and sustainable growth. With the past years putting your team and office in a state of confusion, it’s …

Is Your Company’s Culture Eating Your Strategy?

Peter Drucker famously said, “culture eats strategy for breakfast.” He’s expressing that your company’s culture determines success no matter how effective your strategy may be. What exactly is organizational culture? Scientists would say culture refers to all the conditions in an environment that are suitable for growth. This implies culture determines what will grow and …

How to Turn The Great Resignation Into The Great Employee Retention Movement

Through the pandemic, the collective mindset of the workforce has shifted. The reassessment of life’s priorities is affecting our labor markets. This is a perfect opportunity to make an organizational culture change toward better employee retention. The disruption and stresses placed on your staff and organization has caused a disconnect in communication and team cohesiveness. …

Why Now Is the Time to Redesign Your Organizational Culture

If you’re struggling to attract and keep the right people, you don’t have a retention problem. You have an organizational culture problem. People are leaving their current jobs in record numbers. Over 40% of the working population switched jobs this year. That leaves many industries scrambling to fill their open positions and figure out how …