
Three Key Tactics to Keep Your Team Engaged During Change

Change is challenging and intimating for many. As your organization shifts into the next era of the beginning stages of post-pandemic re-opening, you should implement three key practices to help your team successfully navigate this next wave of changes.

Recast Your Vision

Your team looks to you for clarity of the organization’s vision. They must know what they are aiming for. In your leadership role, you see the overall picture of what the organization will become and what it will take to get you there. You must continually recast your vision and break it down for your team. Remember, your team has a different perspective than you do. They are working in the day-to-day and their contribution is a piece of reaching the overall goal, It’s your job to bring your team into seeing what you see for the future to make their jobs more purposeful.

Reiterate Your Values

You may think that your team should know and live by your values, but to keep your team on track and engaged, the reiteration of what is expected is necessary. Demonstrating your commitment to living the values your organization holds important brings stability during uncertain times. Remember, for most, change can be intimidating. Make sure your team is up to the challenge of change and not afraid of it.

Re-energize Your Communication

You CANNOT over-communicate! Learn the communication styles of your team members to understand how they’ll best receive information. When you know your people and how they like to be communicated to, you’ll become more strategic in your vision delivery. Develop a specific communication plan that will fuel the momentum to navigate the changes ahead.

An outside perspective and experienced third party can help you evaluate your team’s engagement and develop plans for your team to help you recast, reiterate, and re-energize effectively. Schedule a complimentary consultation and learn strategies to learn your team’s communication style.

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