
Retain Employees Through the Language of Appreciation: Gift Giving

Did you know that your team members are constantly looking for evidence you know them and appreciate them? Gift-giving is one way to show your appreciation in the workplace.

With 41% of the job market looking to switch jobs this year, now more than ever, it’s important that your team knows how much you appreciate them.

“If you try to express appreciation in ways that aren’t meaningful to your coworkers, then they may not feel valued at all.”

—5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace

Remember, appreciation is the glue that ties performing teams together. Ranked higher than money, people want to feel valued and appreciated for who they are and what they bring to the organization.

Not everyone receives the acknowledgment of appreciation in the same manner. According to Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Paul White, there are five languages of appreciation in the workplace.

Their book refers to each of us having our own appreciation fuel tank. If our tank is full, we have the energy and desire to keep going. We feel connected to the team and a viable part of the project.

What fires up one team member to high productivity may fall on deaf ears on another. To bring out the best in each of your staff, of the specifics on communicating appreciation.

If the wrong fuel is put into the tank, the vehicle breaks down.


Everyone wants to know they matter to you. Gift-giving is one special way to connect with your team members and show your appreciation.

Not everyone will be excited about a mug, a t-shirt, or gift cards. However, there will be some team members whose motivation fire is fueled with the gift gesture.

These individuals see the gift as evidence that shows how much you know them and how much you appreciate them. The appreciation extends even when you’re not physically present. The gift is a reminder to them of your appreciation.

These are the teammates who light up when you bring them their favorite coffee that’s made exactly how they like it. Their spirit soars when you give them tickets to an event that you know they would appreciate. Or they are blown away by the gift card to the service they would have never splurged on themselves.

These are but a few examples that show how much you know your team and that you’re paying attention.

Your Turn: Try This in Your Office

Take time today to show appreciation to your team members by getting them something that demonstrates how well you know them.

Remember the gift should be unique to each person. This isn’t a one size fits all gift.

Take note of who responds with more energy. This clue is the key to infusing energy into that person time and time again.

. . .

There are four other appreciation fuel sources. In the previous blog posts, words of affirmation, acts of service, and quality time were discussed. In the next blog in the series, I’ll share the fifth language of appreciation.

Understanding the 5 languages of workplace appreciation will increase team performance and help with employee retention. If you’re experiencing the effects of job-hopping or you would like to take some preventative action, schedule a complimentary consultation.

Additional Resource:

The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace | Chapman & White

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