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Image-Using Team Assessment Data Properly to Achieve Successful Growth

Using Team Assessment Data Properly to Achieve Successful Growth

As a leader, you’re under extreme pressure to achieve results. Your organization’s mission is greater than you and you’re driven to help make the community you serve better. Using team assessment data properly helps you achieve successful and sustainable growth. With the past years putting your team and office in a state of confusion, it’s …

How To Create a Highly Productive Remote Team Culture

Science can lead the way to a better understanding of what motivates your team. When you understand what motivates an individual, you’ll retain, attract, and inspire your best team in a hybrid or remote work world. Everyone is motivated by different things. That’s not to say that your people wouldn’t share common interests. However, science …

Is Your Company’s Culture Eating Your Strategy?

Peter Drucker famously said, “culture eats strategy for breakfast.” He’s expressing that your company’s culture determines success no matter how effective your strategy may be. What exactly is organizational culture? Scientists would say culture refers to all the conditions in an environment that are suitable for growth. This implies culture determines what will grow and …

Have You Got What It Takes To Be a Great Leader

Have You Got What It Takes To Be a Great Leader?

“Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.” John Maxwell  Being a leader takes many skills. One of the most important is to be able to see and assess their natural talents. As a leader, it’s your job to make sure team members are placed in the …