
Why You Must Let Go To Make Room for Success

Anchors, Chains, or Lids…what’s holding you back to make room for success?

You may be feeling it. Another shift. Our nation is shifting into a new post-pandemic season. Even though last year tested our limits on how we can handle change, that doesn’t negate the fact that the new wave of change can disrupt your team’s culture.

The fear of the unknown can make you grasp tightly to old, familiar ways of doing things. As you are trying to get back to the pre-pandemic way of life, you may be experiencing some push-back from your staff.

If you’re clinging to old ways, you may be holding your organization back when leading your team into a new era.

Decide What to Let Go

When I first took up rock climbing, I learned fast that to get to the top, I had let go of where I was. It was hard. It was scary. But after putting in the training and effort, I had to trust myself and let go to reach the top.

As in rock climbing, in order to embrace something new, you must let go of something else. While shifting can be scary, you should trust that you’ve done what’s necessary to prepare for the change.

Make Room for Success

Embrace what’s next.

We’ve never been able to completely know what the future holds. During the pandemic, some businesses did not survive and some thrived. That’s mainly due to their ability to embrace a new way of doing their business. Embrace the new opportunities coming your way in this new season.

As with anything new, you should prepare, communicate, and execute. Give your plan complete focus and trust you’re doing everything you can to reach the next level.

We all have stuff that holds us back. It’s clearly a new season and a great opportunity to shift into a more successful way of developing your organization’s culture. To move forward, be open to new and innovative ideas and let go of what’s no longer working.

Don’t be weighed down with anchors, chains, or lids of the past. An outside perspective will serve as a bridge between leadership and team members to develop your new post-pandemic thriving culture.

Leadership is a journey, not a destination. Make room for success by scheduling your consultation today. Let’s explore if mediation sessions with your team are the best option for your organization.

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