As a leader, you’re under extreme pressure to achieve results. Your organization’s mission is greater than you and you’re driven to help make the community you serve better. Using team assessment data properly helps you achieve successful and sustainable growth.
With the past years putting your team and office in a state of confusion, it’s time for you as a leader to take courage. It’s time to walk away from what “used to be.” It’s time to create something new and wonderful for your organization.
Courage is a choice and requires us to act.
John Maxwell
The place to start for forward movement is to have a better understanding of your people.
Assess Your Team
The first step in understanding your team better and achieving your organizational goals is through administering the right assessment.
Every individual on your team is wired differently. Using assessment tools like DISC will help you identify your people’s strengths, talents, communication style, and what motivates them.
Although each person may be very different in many ways, science has drilled down that people fall within four basic behavior styles. All four behavioral styles bring something valuable to your organizational culture. As their leader, you need to assess your team to know where to begin in making significant upward movement toward your goals.
Assessment tools can also attract the right new talent into your growth-minded culture.
Use Assessment Data Results for Growth
Once the assessment is complete, it’s important to incorporate the results into your overall organizational strategy to achieve your mission.
Assessment tools, like DISC, are meant to help you lead your people by building on their strengths, not by pointing out their weaknesses. Knowledge is a powerful thing. When you understand the assessment results, you’ll be able to help your people lean into their strengths and thrive. You will help your people grow with the organization, be more engaged, and ultimately achieve greater results.
The knowledge you receive from the right assessment will help you lead your people to reach their professional development goals and add value to your team and your organization.
Hire the Right Consultant
An outside consultant can help you implement the results of the people data uncovered through team assessments.
You have many options when it comes to creating an assessment process in your organization. Hiring the right facilitator matters to the success or failure of the program. When searching for a facilitator, you should make sure their views and values align with your organization’s views and values.
The right assessment facilitator will explain the data in a way to help your people grow and apply their strengths to gain momentum. Steer away from facilitators that have opposing views from your organization.
As the old saying goes, “you cannot read the label inside of the bottle.” When you hire a consultant, you get a fresh new look at how your organization functions. The outside perspective allows for unbiased recommendations to achieve the change you’re looking for.
Assessment tools alone will not create the change you’re looking for in achieving growth. Incorporate results within your overall strategy and growth objectives. Implementing the results with a holistic perspective to incorporate your organization’s mission, department objectives, company strategy, and individual motivators is key.
There is no doubt being a leader in a mission-driven organization is hard. The stresses you face every day can mount up. Whether you are at the beginning of your leadership career or have years of experience, knowing you can do this is half the battle. Believe you can and you will.
Genesis Eakes International understands that every organization has unique needs. Schedule a complimentary consultation to learn more about the programs available that align with your growth strategy.