
Are you getting what you want?


The law of attraction

We attract who we are not who we want.

This is one of those frustrating laws, at least for me, because a lot of times I want things to be true for others that are not true for me.

Right now my youngest son is a few weeks away from getting his drivers license. Now, I’ve been driving for a lot of years and at times I can get a bit lazy with my driving habits. If there isn’t anyone behind me I don’t always signal to change lanes and occasionally the speed limit sign can look more like a suggestion than an actual law. However, when my son is driving and I’m in the passenger seat the liberties that he wants to take because he saw me do it suddenly become a big deal. The hard part is, if I want to have a son who follows the rules of the road, I have to be that person.

Ghandi said it best when he said, “be the change you want to see in the world.”

I’ve noticed over and over in business and in life I need to be whatever I would like to see or receive. If I want an increase in sales, I need to be someone who is comfortable being sold to. If I want positive, can do people working with me, I need to be a positive person who is looking for ways to make someone else’s project work. If I want others to forgive my flaws and look for the best in me, I need to be someone who sees the best in others and forgives mistakes. But not only that, I need to be able to forgive my own flaws and see the best in me as well.

I watched an interesting dynamic happen the other day. Someone had made a mistake and deleted a piece of software that they needed to operate their computer. They brought the issue to the attention of the leader who could help them but they were so frustrated at the situation the leader was having a difficult time helping them resolve the issue. When debriefing afterwards, what came out was the individual who made the mistake was so angry at themselves that they were projecting that feeling onto everyone around them. The sad part was all they wanted was forgiveness and understanding that a mistake was made, which was being granted but they couldn’t see it. This person was attracting who they were not who they wanted.

Who are you attracting? Are you getting the results you want? If not, you may need to take a deeper look inside at the person you are.

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