
Are You Ready to Jump Start Your Team’s Momentum?

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As you enter the new year, start by jump starting your team’s momentum.

How do you do that?

First, make a connection with your team:

Start by asking your team members these questions:

What did you do during your time off?

How did you refuel yourself while off from work?

What was your favorite thing you did while disconnected from work?

What did you miss about being away?

Questions like these helps establish and build a greater connection between you and your team. Building a connection serves you in the long run with reaching your goals and accomplishing your organization’s vision.

Next, clarify:

While you’re in the mode of reconnecting with your team, make sure to verbalize your organizational vision for the year. This is important. As a leader, you understand how vision leaks occur and you want your team’s momentum to be on target. Clarify and reiterate the vision.

Finally, follow up with goals:

Establish short-term, actionable objectives and goals. This will help your team get the traction they need to get that momentum ball rolling.

If you need help establishing parameters for your team, contact me to see how. I’d be happy to give you a free consultation to see how together we can get your team’s momentum ball rolling for this year.



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