Showing: 11 - 20 of 46 Articles

Three Strategies to Beat Pandemic Mental Fatigue

Have you found yourself tired, sore, worn out, and perhaps moody? That’s because you’ve been thrown into 2020’s exercise gym running on that treadmill non-stop placing your mental muscles to the outer limits. Perhaps you’re experiencing decision fatigue, pivot fatigue or Zoom fatigue. If you’re experiencing it, most likely your team is too.

In Crisis Communicate Intentionally

We are all feeling the stress of change in our lives right now and that strain can show up in our communication when we least expect it. If you have recently been resistant, challenging, impatient, stubborn or uptight and reclusive with people you care about then you know what I mean.

Be Visible

Healthy families and organizations move towards each other in times of crisis. During this time of social distancing your people need to see you and you need to see them. When people see their leaders it helps to reduce anxiety and create a sense that they are not alone. It reorients their compass and gives them a direction to go.

Pay the Price

I learned that making the choice and sacrificing for the right thing is so much more rewarding than the work it takes to live with the thing that is not quite right.