Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 Articles
Why Leaders Need an Accountability Team

Why Leaders Need an Accountability Team

In your leadership role, you’re faced with figuring out how to develop new systems with more productivity, lower costs, and higher profits. You must lead your team toward achieving your organization’s mission and hold your staff members accountable for performing their operational roles. But who’s holding you accountable? Successful leaders do not lead alone. Through …

How Being a Good Follower Makes You a Better Leader

How Being a Good Follower Makes You a Better Leader

Practicing your skills in being a good follower will make you a better leader. You learn a lot about your own leadership skills when you learn the art of followership. Bishop Fulton J Sheen says that civilization is in danger when those that haven’t learned to obey are given the right to lead. A leader …

How Do You Lead the Toughest Person in the Room?

How Do You Lead the Toughest Person in the Room?

As a leader, we all seem to have that ONE person who’s tough to lead. They can be hard to read, stay positively motivated, and be receptive to new and innovative ideas. So how do you lead the toughest person in the room? Before that question can be answered, you need to correctly identify the …