
Why Businesses Exist

Businesses and organizations exist to solve the world’s greatest problems. Earlier in my career, I spent a lot of time contemplating whether businesses and organizations were greedy factors that solely pursued money, or if there was something more fundamental at play.

As I delved deeper into the world of business and spoke with founders, including CEOs who were now second or third-generation away from the original owner, I began to see a more complex picture. I realized that businesses and organizations are not just about making money, but are also about creating value for society.

Regardless of whether they are for-profit or non-profit, these entities exist to solve the world’s biggest problems. They identify a particular issue, whether it’s a product, a service, or anything in between, and decide that they can make the world a better place by addressing it. This drive to make a positive impact is what inspires me the most about businesses and organizations.

In fact, businesses and organizations can be seen as the driving force behind much of the progress we see in the world today. They are responsible for many of the technological advancements and innovations that have changed the way we live our lives.

Furthermore, businesses and organizations have a unique ability to bring people together and create a sense of community. They often provide jobs and opportunities for people who might not have them otherwise, and they can help to build connections between individuals and groups.

Overall, I have come to appreciate the fundamental role that businesses and organizations play in our society. They are not just about making money, but also about making a difference.

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