It’s been said that flexible work environments make people feel entrusted to do their best work. If that’s true, then why are so many organizations right now that offer flexible work struggling to see the best work out of their people?
Flexibility on its own will not guarantee that your team will do its best work. Flexible work environments that hybrid teams bring can make your staff feel entrusted, however, this only works if your employees feel connected to a team and the overall mission of your organization.
Typically, your people draw inspiration from the overall positive impact that your organization has on the world around them. Individuals become empowered when they are connected to a high-performing team that recognizes the unique contributions of each member.
Communicate Your Purpose
I believe that businesses exist to solve the world’s greatest problems. It doesn’t matter if your organization is building a widget, providing a service, or even working to save the world.
Ultimately for a purpose-driven organization, what you’re doing is making the world a better place.
Sometimes in our drive to create a positive impact in the world around us, we can leave our team feeling like they’re an obstacle.
It’s important to never forget that your first responsibility as a leader is to have a positive impact on those you lead both internally as well as externally.
Create an Open Space
Hybrid teams are looking to their leaders to ensure a safe, open space for them to work in. The issue is leaders struggle because they must rely more on the culture of their organization to create this safe, open space.
Over the past few years, there have been many factors that have shaken the cultures of organizations around the globe. Now is the time to create a new culture in your organization.
Four factors to remember that create an open and safe space for your hybrid team.
- Make sure to clear any confusion
- Exchange truths from own experience
- Create a judge-free zone
- Prioritize relational connection over the content
Watch “Why Safe Places are Important for Hybrid Teams” for an example scenario drawn from personal experience in creating an open and safe place to move forward with leading a project.
Everyone Deserves to be Led Well
I’m sure you’ll agree that everyone deserves to be led well. And I think it’s safe to say that we all want to be led well. Whether it’s from our politicians or Titans in our industry, we’re all looking for others to lead us well.
How well are you leading your hybrid team?
It’s ok to feel frustrated or even lost when leading your hybrid team because they have challenges that fully remote, or fully in-person teams just don’t have to deal with.
For example, unique to hybrid teams is the issue of how to avoid a two-tier system that favors people who are in the office more often than people that are working from home.
Remember, offering a flexible work environment on its own will not guarantee that your people will do their best work. Flexibility only works if employees feel connected to the team and the overall mission and purpose of your organization.
I get it. Leading a hybrid team is hard.
Leading your hybrid team well, often means that you have to change and grow in order to lead at this level. When leading your hybrid team, there are 7 important questions you should be addressing. To ensure you’re addressing all questions, download my free guide.
To sharpen your leadership skills in this new hybrid work environment, I encourage you to schedule a complimentary conversation. Let’s discuss your unique needs and challenges you face in your role at your organization.