I’m so willing to change and grow in areas of my strengths, but areas of my weaknesses I’d rather install a system that fixes the problem today and forget about it moving forward.

People-Centric Values-Based Leadership Consulting
People-Centric Values-Based Leadership Consulting
People-Centric Values-Based Leadership Consulting
I’m so willing to change and grow in areas of my strengths, but areas of my weaknesses I’d rather install a system that fixes the problem today and forget about it moving forward.
Relationships even business ones fade when we stop connecting. Both parties have to show up and contribute something in order for it to work.
It’s 10 a.m. Do you know what your culture is doing?
There are a lot of activities that can keep us stuck but a few intentional things that can fill us up.
Fear puts a barrier between us and the people we are trying to lead. It keeps us from bringing the best of who we are to the table and it keeps us from allowing others to contribute the best of who they are.
Striving depletes energy but Persistence builds stamina
New for old every day
Limitless “Jump and build your wings on the way down” Paul Martinelli When I jumped and became a business owner it was because I saw opportunities that no one else saw. Other people saw limits and all the reasons why it would fail and I saw no limits. I had something amazing and the world …