How Being a Good Follower Makes You a Better Leader

How Being a Good Follower Makes You a Better Leader

Practicing your skills in being a good follower will make you a better leader. You learn a lot about your own leadership skills when you learn the art of followership. Bishop Fulton J Sheen says that civilization is in danger when those that haven’t learned to obey are given the right to lead. A leader …

How Do You Lead the Toughest Person in the Room?

How Do You Lead the Toughest Person in the Room?

As a leader, we all seem to have that ONE person who’s tough to lead. They can be hard to read, stay positively motivated, and be receptive to new and innovative ideas. So how do you lead the toughest person in the room? Before that question can be answered, you need to correctly identify the …

3 Magic Questions to Unlock Your Team’s Discretionary Effort

3 Magic Questions to Unlock Your Team’s Discretionary Effort

As a leader, sometimes you just want to peek behind the curtain of our team’s thoughts and understand what drives them. You think that if you could get in their minds and understand them better, you could help them produce better results. The key to increased productivity and engagement is tapping into your employees’ discretionary …

Can Employee Engagement Be Measured

Can Employee Engagement Be Measured

People never care how much you know until they know how much you care.” John Maxwell The term employee engagement has been a buzzword for a while. But its meaning is often misunderstood. Employee engagement is the extent of passion individuals on your team bring to their job. That commitment is what leads to productivity …

Are You the Roadblock to Your Organization’s Success?

You know leadership is a journey, not a destination. But did you know that if you are not intentionally developing your team, you are choosing where you’re going to level off? You’re creating a roadblock. That’s right. You will become your organization’s roadblock. Think over the past year. World-wide life events challenged us to make …

You Must Know Your Team to Grow Your Organization

You Must Know Your Team to Grow Your Organization

You have a great team. You like who you’ve hired. Everyone seems happy. So why does this feeling keep tugging at you that your team could do much more? Why aren’t they more productive? Why must you step in and think of solutions when you know they have the right answers? The problem is that …

Why Leaders Must Seek

Why Leaders Must Seek

Do you view your team members as clones of yourself or an amazing piece of art ready to be sculpted? While you may think the best way to get more done is to create clones of yourself, that way of thinking will hold you back.   Creating clones will keep your results limited to: your …

Have You Got What It Takes To Be a Great Leader

Have You Got What It Takes To Be a Great Leader?

“Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.” John Maxwell  Being a leader takes many skills. One of the most important is to be able to see and assess their natural talents. As a leader, it’s your job to make sure team members are placed in the …

Clutching to Control Stifles Your Teams Performance

Clutching to Control Stifles Your Teams Performance

Doing everything yourself will not achieve the goals of your organization. It’s through the collective efforts of your team that your business will scale and grow. Releasing control is hard for many leaders to do. When you have control you may feel you’re providing a safer environment for the team. You may feel there will …

Should Your Employees be Followers or Leaders

Should Your Employees be Followers or Leaders?

Are your employees made up of followers or leaders? Both followers and leaders are crucial in the workforce. Your style of communication shapes your team’s outcomes. If you want a bunch of people to just follow directions, then you’ll have a team of followers. A word of warning with this approach. If the directive approach …