Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 Articles
Retain Employees Through the Language of Appreciation Gift Giving

Retain Employees Through the Language of Appreciation: Gift Giving

Did you know that your team members are constantly looking for evidence you know them and appreciate them? Gift-giving is one way to show your appreciation in the workplace. With 41% of the job market looking to switch jobs this year, now more than ever, it’s important that your team knows how much you appreciate …

Retain Employees Through the Language of Appreciation Quality Time

Retain Employees Through the Language of Appreciation: Quality Time

Quality time with your team members is an excellent motivator and a fantastic way to show your appreciation. As a leader, you are responsible for the people in your organization to drive results. That means part of your responsibility is to fill your team’s internal fuel tank. How you refuel your employees is through appreciation. …

Acts of Service

Retain Employees Through the Language of Appreciation: Acts of Service

With job-hopping on the rise, organizations are challenged with keeping their valued staff members. The cost of employee turnover is much higher than making the effort to retain your valued employees through learning their language of appreciation. Showing acts of service is a way to show your team members their value. Now, more than ever, …

employee turnover

How to Combat the Cost of High Employee Turnover

Voluntary employee turnover (aka job-hopping) is at a new high. It is estimated that 41% of the workforce will switch jobs this year. That’s a staggering increase when pre-pandemic the average voluntary turnover was about 15%. The disruption of the pandemic took its toll on our workforce. Even though the world is now opening up, …