How to Start Your Actionable Strategic Plan

Years ago, when my mentor challenged me by asking if I’ve ever done a year-end review, I froze! My mentor wasn’t looking for my New Year’s resolutions, but instead an actionable strategic plan to move toward my goals. I didn’t know people did this. I definitely didn’t know where to start.

Developing an Effective Team Grows Your Organization

The most effective way to improve in any area of your organization’s performance is to grow your people. The reason why most organizations fall short of achieving their goals is they don’t implement an intentional strategic plan for employee growth. You can increase performance by addressing three areas to develop a more effective team.

Is Your Team Prepared For Your 2021 Strategy?

As you’re building your 2021 strategic plan, have you given enough consideration to your team’s preparedness? Your business will have new challenges to face in the coming year. You’ll need a team that is equipped to be creative and united in facing those challenges head-on.

Be Real Not Perfect

As a leader, you may believe that those who follow you expect you to perfect and exactly right all the time. Leadership, at its core, is built on relationships.

Great Ideas Become Reality With a Great Team

As a leader, you have great instinctive ideas to better fulfill your company’s values-based mission. But without the right team surrounding you, those ideas can die right on the conference room floor. To make sure your ideas become reality, you must get the right people around the table.

Three Strategies to Beat Pandemic Mental Fatigue

Have you found yourself tired, sore, worn out, and perhaps moody? That’s because you’ve been thrown into 2020’s exercise gym running on that treadmill non-stop placing your mental muscles to the outer limits. Perhaps you’re experiencing decision fatigue, pivot fatigue or Zoom fatigue. If you’re experiencing it, most likely your team is too.