Acts of Service

Retain Employees Through the Language of Appreciation: Acts of Service

With job-hopping on the rise, organizations are challenged with keeping their valued staff members. The cost of employee turnover is much higher than making the effort to retain your valued employees through learning their language of appreciation. Showing acts of service is a way to show your team members their value. Now, more than ever, …

employee turnover

How to Combat the Cost of High Employee Turnover

Voluntary employee turnover (aka job-hopping) is at a new high. It is estimated that 41% of the workforce will switch jobs this year. That’s a staggering increase when pre-pandemic the average voluntary turnover was about 15%. The disruption of the pandemic took its toll on our workforce. Even though the world is now opening up, …

Why You Must Let Go To Make Room for Success

Why You Must Let Go To Make Room for Success

Anchors, Chains, or Lids…what’s holding you back to make room for success? You may be feeling it. Another shift. Our nation is shifting into a new post-pandemic season. Even though last year tested our limits on how we can handle change, that doesn’t negate the fact that the new wave of change can disrupt your …

Three Key Tactics to Keep Your Team Engaged During Change

Three Key Tactics to Keep Your Team Engaged During Change

Change is challenging and intimating for many. As your organization shifts into the next era of the beginning stages of post-pandemic re-opening, you should implement three key practices to help your team successfully navigate this next wave of changes. Recast Your Vision Your team looks to you for clarity of the organization’s vision. They must …

Does Your Team See the Big Picture?

Does Your Team See the Big Picture?

As a mission-driven organization, you understand the importance of creating a team culture that sees the big picture. Your mission gives your employees purpose and direction. Big picture thinking by your team strengthens engagement and encourages creativity. You may think your team should know your mission and see the big picture but don’t. If team …

How To Make A Successful Shift in Changing Times

How To Make A Successful Shift in Changing Times

The speed of business is accelerating. Do you have what it takes to successfully shift during changing times? A friend mentioned to me that his business increased by 40%, literally overnight. Originally, he figured this was an anomaly, but the spike in business hasn’t shown signs of reducing. His company has had to make some …

Increasing Team Performance During Shifting Times

Increasing Team Performance During Shifting Times

Team performance and productivity are always a concern in any organization. How you, as a leader, react to change and shifts will determine how effective your team performance will be. You sense that more big changes are coming. A year ago, there were high hopes for things to be “normal” again. Now that our world …

Why Leaders Need an Accountability Team

Why Leaders Need an Accountability Team

In your leadership role, you’re faced with figuring out how to develop new systems with more productivity, lower costs, and higher profits. You must lead your team toward achieving your organization’s mission and hold your staff members accountable for performing their operational roles. But who’s holding you accountable? Successful leaders do not lead alone. Through …

How Self-Discipline is the Highest Form of Leadership

How Self-Discipline is the Highest Form of Leadership

“Great leaders always have self-discipline -without exception.” John C. Maxwell To achieve the highest form of leadership, you must practice self-discipline. Discipline is the act of giving yourself a command and then following through. If you are challenged with maintaining self-discipline, you’re not alone. Leading ourselves and practicing self-discipline can be one of the greatest …